Cacti – A Trendsetter for Modern Spaces
posted by enstyle
Cacti are a type of succulent plant that are commonly distinguished by their thick, sometimes circular stem. These typically bear sharp spines, and some can even be found with beautifully colored flowers. They are native to dry, hot regions in the Americas.
Recently, cacti, along with some other succulents, have been extremely popular with people of all ages, especially millennials. These cacti have become a beautiful accent for people looking for Western or minimalistic touches to add to the home and office. Along with this, they are terribly easy to take care of. There are three main components to taking care of cacti. The first is sunlight. Because these plants are mainly native to desert regions, its best to keep them in an area where they can receive lots of sunlight, preferably a window. The second component, water, is tricky. One of the most common issues with cacti is overwatering. Different cacti have different watering requirements, but you should at least lightly water your plants no more than once a week. Lastly, cacti prefer soil that is well aerated and that drains water quickly. To account for this, most people like to mix some perlite with their soil.
Finally, besides their aesthetic and easy care, a reason why people are particularly drawn to them is their symbolism. In Native Indian culture, cacti symbolize endurance. Although just a plant to some, a cactus can serve as a symbol to keep going. Even when you’re going through a hard time, your cactus can remind you to stay determined and push through the day.