The Benefits of Having Plants in the Workplace
posted by Wendy Rodriguez
There have been numerous scientific studies to show that adding foliage to an office setting not only provides an aesthetic appeal, but that plants can lead to psychological and physical productivity. All plants are known to filter out toxins, such as dust and bacteria. This therefore provides cleaner, fresher air to breathe. Another benefit of having plants in the office is humidity control. Many people, when primarily indoors almost every day, are more prone to dehydration. Dehydration can lead to fatigue, low productivity, and discomfort. Indoor plants work to keep humidity at optimal levels, improving hydration levels. Plants can also help to reduce sickness in the office. Many studies have shown that offices that were incorporated with plants reported an increase in work productivity, while some researchers have even reported that adding plants to the work environment can help to reduce the risk of sickness by almost 25%.
Plants, with an aesthetic appeal, also improve office surroundings. One study showed that plants increased creativity by 15% in the office, while another showed that offices with plants were seen as more “warm and welcoming” for clients than those without. Healthy plants can give the office a vibe that fosters support, which is encouraging for both customers and possible new clients. Color therapists have also affirmed that the color green promotes feelings of safety and stability. Finally, having plants in a work environment, especially in those that are fast-paced, can relieve anxiety and stress. A study by the National Chung Hsing University in 2005 found that there was a decrease in stress and anxiety levels in employees that had plants present in the workplace. With this information, it’s safe to say that there are relatively no downsides to adding plants to the workplace. If you’re worried about keeping your plant alive, don’t! There is a plethora of plants out there that are so low-maintenance, you’ll forget they’re there.